Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Coffee with Kathy

We had an ice storm Monday, snow Tuesday, and Ry had been off school for two days.  We expected a delay, but didn’t have one, so Ry and I both dragged out of bed at 6:30 for the drive to Poolesville.  Got back by 7:45, as per usual.  Kath was still in bed, so I brought her coffee and we talked for close to an hour about nothing and everything, Megadog snuggled between us.

We were finishing up the Christmas shopping – I still need to buy for Linda and my Dad.  Since we are flying down to Florida for Dad’s 80th, and we both shoip through the same amazon account, there is little surprise what I am getting Kath.  I want to buy her something in Florida so she has something to open under the tree.

We have mixed feelings about the trip south.  It seems an added errand to the busy season.  It takes away our Christmas at home – which both kath and I love.  Riley will be at college way too soon.  We will have three more Christmases before he goes, and we begin to feel the need to guard them.
Mom’s has organized some events, but Kath and I are frustrated sometimes by the looseness of our family events.  They seldom flow.   We fear we will both be chained to the kitchen – me to cooking, she to cleaning.

Gwen has taken the time off from Wegmen’s to go down.  Her hours are already too few.  She and we worry about her job, and her future.  We figure she will be living at home long after Ry is off and away.

So Kath and I talked about these things, and politics – frustrated with the healthcare laws, glad to see more of the country is concerned about the President. We talked about Kath's work.  We talked about my new work selling real estate.  I am excited, but worry I will fail at it.  We talked about the band gig this Saturday at a real club for real money.  All this and more, then we noticed the clock and then I went downstairs to look at the market and she got ready for work.

It was a morning both typical and special.  There is so much to do, so many reasons to be thankful, and so many annoyances.  It seems like the finish line keeps getting moved farther and farther back, but that is fine on those days when you enjoy the race.
I loaded up the fireplace, debated cleaning the kitchen, played a few minutes of avenger’s alliance, and decided to make a note of the morning.