Friday, March 2, 2018

Mr. Rogers

This month’s 404 is about Mr. Rogers.

Lots of posts about him these past few days and lots of comments.

He was there when I was very small.  He was on the black and white television in the kitchen, when I was eating cinnamon toast and breathing in the lead fumes from the beltway.  He is still a voice in my head, a moderate among the monsters.  He is almost always kind.  He never pretended there were good people were mostly perfect and bad people who pretty much sucked.  He knew we all got angry.  We all try, we all fail, we all grow.  Everyone gets angry. In fact, everyone is fucked up sometimes, but that’s all right, we can get better.  Look for the helpers.

Ultimately, it’s Mr. Rogers who made it impossible for me to align with pitchforks and torches.  He’s one of those people who helped me decide that there is no higher calling than putting on some comfortable shoes and a sweater and singing badly to messed-up children.
Yes, I know he came from his own place of privilege and not everyone has a chance to put on slippers.

But, jeez, pointing out Mr. Roger’s slipper privilege is kind of missing the takeaway.  Also, if you have the capacity to deduce it and point it out, you probably have some badass slippers of your own. Metaphorical, expensive, slippers woven from the outrage you are (truthfully) stealing from someone else.  The special slippers you wear for the subtle bullying you do, like the woman in the housecoat who accidentally spilled very hot tea on the children from time to time.

She was not a very nice puppet.

It’s ok, we’re all flawed, usually monstrously so… But you could work on being a better neighbor. 

I should work on it too.  I should work on not being angry on a Friday because someone cleverly pointed out that Fred Rogers was a white man. I should work on being patient and realize not everyone gets that context is sometimes a convoluted thing, made of memory and old scars. Everyone gets angry.  Sometimes things don’t go your way.  Sometimes someone pisses on a kind man’s grave.

I should work on not being angry on a Friday.  My wife is home and she is in a good mood.  People are telling jokes.  People are sharing good music they’ve done.

I should look for the helpers.