Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Long live the King!

When I was eight or nine, I would visit grandma in Tacoma.  She sometimes called me Gus, which was the name of the cat.  Gus was a sort of nickname and sort of a salutation in teenage Maryland  (Sup Gus).  And Angus became a callsign for various things back when I would waste time on unimportant things instead of wasting time on important things (like being King of a blog.) 

Some years back, after a drink or two and yelling and throwing shoes at Bill Mahr and his court on the TV  I decided I wanted to be King too.  Angus seemed a good and right Kingly name, so I registered my domain, made plans to begin my reign, but went to sleep instead.

And forgot about it. 

Years past.

But last week, I saw King Bill talking again.  He voiced an opinion that voting Republican was akin to acquitting Casey Anthony  -- due to the economic history of the past 15 years.  (Economics aren’t his strong suit.)

Rather than empirically refute the segment point by point, let me instead modestly suggest that it is ass-faced stupidity.  Stupidity so stupid, an unsuspecting viewer may never again have an intelligent thought.  It is as stupid as Songify (which I fucking LOVE!)  It is as stupid as believing it is okay to sleep near anthills after spilling Mountain Dew on your crotch. 

It is so stupid, you will wake up with caffeinated insects gnawing your junk. 

But alas, rationally discussing economic or political dumbshittery on Facebook or emails is dull work and makes you few friends.  It is a shameful habit, best done in the dark (like that peanut butter thing you did as a teenager) so I will keep my thoughts in my own little kingdom.

My apologies in advance.

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