Friday, December 16, 2011

Smartguy no more?

I’m a smart guy.  9’s on my Iowas as a kid, invited to John’s Hopkin’s as a teen, Ivy league SAT’s as a highschool dropout,  Aptitude scores in the top percentiles, Member of mensa, etc.


I play it off like I don’t much give a shit, but it’s been a source of pride.  No matter how much of a fuckup I was, I could always look at the test scores as proof positive that I might, one day, be worth a shit.(Other folks have used the scores as evidence of my wasted potential.)

So imagine my dismay, when in the latest round of testing for my poor beat up brain, I scored  (gulp) “average, to high-average IQ.”  WTF is that?  I’m a “superior to very-superior” kinda guy… At least I always have been.

So  I’m left with three possibilities:

1)      The test was wrong,  or they dumped the data because it was more than 2 standard deviations high.
2)      Although my memory is intact, my analytical abilities have decreased.
3)      I was never as smart as I suspected.

A bit of the old irony…  I am more successful than I have ever been.  Great family, most wonderful wife in the world, making good money, etc.

But, as is so common to getting older, I have a little less potential.

I am reminded that we all get to a point where life stops giving you things, and starts taking them away.

And I hear that lonesome clock ticking.

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